Sweet creature, we both met off guard
When I expected nothing, yet everything dragged me
into the funnel of endless waves my own mind created
Circling around questions that knew neither reason, nor outcome.
Sweet creature, the storm raged inside and out
And when I concluded that I had been running through the storm far too long
old irony, I found you
You had been beaten and broken by the storm.
Wild creature, how tiny and fragile your proud body felt
as you sought shelter under my body
Why did you trust me, when I had nothing to offer
I couldn’t fix you.
Maybe that, after all, was a worthy reason
Dying creature you chose me
for you knew I would not try to save you
but keep you safe until you were ready to let go.
And you my precious creature brought me face to face
with my own insignificance, in the eye of your struggle
Your trust and vulnerability, my wild one
humbled me deeply
Which lends truth to the notion
that after all it was not I who found you
but you who chose me
to share the gift of your last journey
Trust in the eye of pain
Wisdom in consequence to compassion
Love as part of oneness
Sweet creature, when I returned you into the arms of the sea
I also set adrift a part of me
as my tears whispered into the wind
the words “letting go”
*Thoughts on finding a dying common gull.
I found an injured common gull in the harbour. It must have been hurt during the storms that were rolling over Germany in the past days. The little creature looked dazed, but didn't have apparent injuries. I sat down in safe distance to see what would happen. After about ten minutes, the bird began to stumble towards me, very gradually. Another few minutes in it had reached me and sought shelter under my legs, resting its body against one of my calves. I didn't want to pick it up, but I sensed that it was dying, and night was coming and it was so stormy. So I detached the hood from my yellow coat and gently laid it next to the bird and picked it up. That wild, beautiful creature was sitting in my hands, as I carried her home. I didn't know what to do, how to give shelter to a dying bird, but then I thought exactly that: shelter, quiet, safety. By that time I had been repeating a phrase calmingly, like a mantra to appease us both, and it almost felt like that little soul and I had found each other, so I could aid its transition. In the morning I found the little body, resting in the shelter I had set up for her. I am crying out of humility and gratitude for that beautiful wild bird, that trusted me. What a stunning and sad encounter. Rest peaceful little soul.