Über mich



  • Holistic Therapist and Counsellor Diploma - Holistic Healing College, London

  • Life-coaching and Spiritual Counselling - Holistic Healing College, London

  • Hypnosis Diploma - Holistic Healing College, London

  • Post-partum Practitioner - Newborn Mothers Collective, Australia

  • Spiral Practitioner - The Spiral School of Awakening, Australia

  • Frey Spiel® Coaching - Felicitas und Felix Frey, Ireland

Yoga & Sound:

  • 200h Holistic Yoga & Sound Teacher Training - Pure Nature Yoga, Thailand

  • 75h Yoga Anatomy und Breath - Leslie Kaminoff, New York

  • Klangmassage Master - Neue Wege Zentrum Österreich